The mechanical industry must be strong to stand firm for the Vietnamese industry

VOV.VN - Need to look back on the development strategy of the mechanical industry to have a policy of development as well as appropriate investment.

In 2018, the Ministry of Industry and Trade plans to support the mechanical industry by creating orders for key mechanical products. At the same time, it is recommended that the Government prioritize the appointment of domestic contractors for those capable of meeting the requirements of national key projects, creating large orders for the development of the industry.

Weak because we have a lot of work

Meanwhile, experts said that the industrial restructuring in our country is taking place right at the time of the fourth industrial revolution with science and technology is booming in the world. This is the pressure but also the motivation and opportunity for the mechanical industry innovation.

Appreciated the Decision 186 of the Government on the strategy of mechanical industry development since 2002, in which priority 8 groups of key products, Mr. Nguyen Van Thu, Chairman of the Association of mechanical enterprises acknowledged, industry Mechanical engineering has formed three new categories of shipbuilding, manufacturing non-standard equipment (hydraulic, crane, tower, tank, ...) and car assembly.

Vietnam's mechanical products do not have a regional brand

so it is difficult to participate in supply chain. (Photo: KT)

However, Mr. Thu pointed out that the biggest weakness of Vietnam's mechanical industry is the full package of all stages, so the investment is spread out, low efficiency, the product is very difficult. compete. Along with that, lack of capital is always a chorus associated with old technology, backward, split planning, sand under the direction of the relevant levels, mechanical industry lack cooperation between enterprises.

"Mechanical products as well as mechanical plants during the last 15 years have been invested too little. The problem is that the state has to think about planning and investing so that the mechanical industry can exploit and supply products to the country, "Thu said.

In the same view, Nguyen Huy Son, lecturer of the Faculty of Dynamics, Military Academy of Engineering said that with small scale is too hugging, leading to the spread, so mechanical enterprises of Vietnam do not give out It is very difficult to enter the supply chain.

"Vietnamese enterprises, especially mechanical enterprises in the competitive period, are very difficult to join the global value chain. This is not necessarily objective, because the enterprise itself is not enough internal forces, it must gong up to do all the steps, from research, design, market to production, "he said. Son clearly.

Review policy

With the difficult situation of the mechanical industry, the question is how to make Vietnam's mechanical industry really develop, catch up with the high-tech industry, especially like This is in line with the 4.0 revolution that states in the world are operating on the basis of inevitable development.

What is the most important aspect of the development of Vietnam's mechanical engineering industry and to what degree? Ever wanted to "become the processing and manufacturing center of the world after 2020", therefore, Vietnam should look back to the strategy of developing the mechanical industry after 15 years of implementation of Decision 186 of the Government to have appropriate investment.

According to Nguyen Tue Anh, Deputy Director of the Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM), it is crucial to focus resources on supporting private sector enterprises in Vietnam. Restructuring and upgrading of domestic private sector firms will determine the success or failure of industry.

More specifically, according to the proposal of Mr. Nguyen Huy Son, if the mechanical enterprises in our country focus on production, in conjunction with the research and design organizations to work together facilities and human resources each other, the mechanical industry will have the opportunity to develop.

Economic expert, Dr. Nguyen Duc Thanh, Director of the Institute for Economic and Policy Research (VEPR), also pointed out clearly: The mechanical industry if it is "waiting" development in the trend. Revolutionary 4.0 industry will certainly not be nice.

"The mechanics industry needs to revise the entire policy mechanism, but the problem has not been proposed, proposed to the Government, Ministry of Industry and Commerce ... With relatively new leadership mechanism with proposals Practicality of mechanical enterprises will easily be met and supported. As the industry grows, letting the industry itself swim the story becomes more complicated, "said Dr. Nguyen Duc Thanh.

In order to effectively implement the supporting industry support schemes, the focus is on the mechanical engineering industry. In its plan, the Ministry of Industry and Trade also recommends that the Government consider and direct the Ministry of Finance to report to the Ministry of Finance Applying to the National Assembly amendments to Law No. 71/2014 / QH13 to deal with value added tax on agricultural products in order to avoid inequality between domestically produced machinery and imported machinery, That would be disadvantageous to always belong to the mechanical manufacturing industry in the country.

According to the orientation of development strategy and planning of Vietnam's mechanical industry up to 2025, vision to 2035 will focus on mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, mechanical engineering, transportation and mechanics. Agriculture - forestry - fishery and processing industry, medical equipment, electrical equipment and complete equipment ...

Products of the mechanical industry are still low competitiveness, domestic enterprises invest in patchwork and spread with closed production technology and backward, equipment is slow innovation. The fragmentation and dispersal in the mechanical industry has not been overcome, the capacity of research and consultancy application of advanced technology is still limited, the mechanical products have relatively low technology content of Vietnamese brand ./.

Nguyen Quynh / VOV.VN

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